If no one noticed

Just an FYI, I don 't post here anymore. I've got a wordpress blog at the Island so that's th one you should be reading. I'll be delting this one eventually, but there's a lot to catch up on over at the new one... I've been posting since my last one hre so go read.

What ar you still doing here.... go read.

All the stars in the heavens...

I think life would be simpler if I believed all the hocum around the horoscope. I am a cancer... the crab. Sure, that sounds like a bad thing, but supposedly I'm an artistic, family oriented, sensitive person who'd rather stay at home than explore the world around me. Hmmm, maybe I should take this a little more seriously. I do often travel and explore, but that's because I can't be home, I'm away on business. I have been known to doodle from time to time.... and paint.... and write.... O.k., I'm creative damnit! I also have an attachment to my parents as any “good child” should. We haven't always gotten along (we've down right butted heads from time to time), but I still feel that parent / child obligation and I love them both. I don't care to have a “family” of my own necessarily, but at some point a wife might be nice. Alright, we're batting 3 for four, but sensitive I ain't. Well, not anymore... but that means I was. Darn you astrology!

As a lark, I decided to look up my sign and a woman on a dating site just for curiosity's sake. The compatibility chart (Yes, there is one.... crazy right?) says that we would not get along because of the differences in personality. Looking at the personality traits she is supposed to have and looking at mine, it would seem that not only would we not get along... we'd kill one another. So looking at this logically, if the horoscope is right as far as I'm concerned, then it follows that it should be right where she's concerned. If that's the case, then we should never date. If we don't date we don't fall in love and we don't produce little hellion offspring there by never starting world war three and not ruling the earth. Alright, went off on a tangent, it happens to Cancers, but still... my point is valid. Who says that two people can't overcome the stars at the time of their birth. I know plenty of people who don't fall under the template of their sign.

More importantly, it's all wrong anyway. Due to stellar drift, the sign you're born under is, well, just plane wrong. Modern astrologers get their layout from the ancient Persians and Mesopotamians... I mean ancient! We're talking 2000 to 1500 BC. Add to this that is was developed over a naked eye perspective of the night sky, the system does not allow for modern discovery. Your sign today thanks to stellar drift, is off by nearly a month. In another 10,000 years, Polaris won't be the north star according to some calculations. On top of all of this, the distances, movement, and scale of the stars involved as well as the force (if any) that they exert on the planet or it's inhabitants is negligible. What does this mean? Well, it means signs don't really mean a thing.... or do they?

I am a cancer. I was born nearly a month late so I should have been a Gemini. Since the stars are out of sync with the horoscope, I am actually a Taurus. I do exhibit personality traits of all of these plus more dominant traits ascribed to three others. Observation is always colored by the observer so you can read into the individual's behavior, anything you want and attribute it to (or blame it on) the stars in the sky. Heck, I worship a deity that no one has seen in person (well, not all of him anyway) for at least five thousand years. Granted, he sent his kid to check up on us two thousand years ago, but still...

Seriously, if you look at the facts and history of any religion or system of beliefs, there isn't one that can't be debunked or at least criticized for some inaccuracy. There are about 101 contradictions in the Christian bible, regardless of translation or interpretation. I still believe it... it's a text book, a guide, not a claim of concrete supreme knowledge. I, however, am an observer... bare that in mind.
Addendum -
I read something interesting at a native American gift shop site (Animal Totem) that struck me as funny and a little suspicious.
June 21 - July 21 (which would be Cancer)
Salmon, Woodpecker, Flicker

Salmon strive to return home after a long journey. Salmon people are home-loving, giving and sensitive. They are also very imaginative and sometimes moody. Their goal in life is to live in harmony with the environment.

Linguistic lamentations

My vocabulary used to get me into no end of trouble. I would rattle and ramble some conglomeration of words to the mass of idiots surrounding me and because they were confused, frightened, or thinking the word “conglomeration” was an insult or a magical conjuring, I would find myself in a bit of a pickle. In college, my large vocabulary, while not antagonistic, was still something of a hurdle. I knew the words to use but fumbled with them and dropped them to the dirt in favor of simpler ones. Though I now believe I was on a higher intellectual rise than those around me were, I still fell short of the mark when speaking... at least for the first few semesters. Once I hit my stride, I was able to select easily the words from my storehouse and speak them with confidence and some modicum of pride.

In the last decade or so, I have found that the storehouse has been raided by a mis spent youth. After years of “dumbing it down” as it were, I have lost those colorful phrases and razor sharp statements that were once so much a part of my speech pattern, that I'd rather speak them and have a bloodied nose and cracked knuckle. Where have they gone? I could blame technology and the computerized thesaurus that often aids alliteration or I could blame the ruffians with whom I associated for so long but one of them is an English teacher now so I can't rightly cast a broad blanket of blame nor can I blame individuals as I often brag on my superior, unaffectable nature.

If you don't use it... you loose it. This seems to be a truism not only in the case of one's “groove” but also with one's vocabulary. I would like to say that I have improved considerably of late, but alas... not the case. I should invest in a word a day calender. Perhaps that will increase my verbal efficacy. Maybe that will hone my linguistic lash to the razor sharp grasping talon it once was. Maybe I just need new people on whom to sharpen them.... in a good way.
1st post... new year. Welcome 2010

The "Flash Dance Look"

I was born in the 70's, lived through the 80's and 90's, and now at the end of the 00's, the 80's are coming back. At least, the women's fashion is. There have been several attempts at an 80's resurgence but until now, they haven't tried to bring back anything I really cared to see again. I can do without the flat brimmed hats, the lace gloves, and stirrup pants were a bad idea the first time. What I'm glad to see women wearing again are the sweatshirts with giant neck holes that fall off the shoulder.
I was discussing this with a friend a couple of days ago and after thinking about it for a while and seeing fine examples of bare slender shoulders I remembered that I've always liked this style. Briefly in the mid nineties, this look came back and no one seems to notice. The only reason I remember is that the majority of my figure study models wore something similar in a couple of pieces I worked on for several hours a piece burning the baggy fabric juxtaposed with milky, smoothly taught skin into my mind's eye.
I am glad the look is coming back, but as my friend laminated... it takes a particular woman to pull off the off the shoulder look.

What's in a name?

I have found recently that made up names (of course, they're all made up if you think about it), phonetically spelled names, state names used for people, and last names used as first names truly unnerve me to my very core. They're everywhere these days. There's a Dakota on the news or a Garminy on a reality show or a Talulla-shay (spelled incorrectly) on a sitcom. They're popping up online now in the strangest places. I read several design blogs. I am an artist after all and an artist needs inspiration... don't give me that look. Any way, I slammed smack into “Saxyn”. That's not a name, it's a people and I'm sure they'd be very angry to find out that they're cultural name has been usurped by an obscenely perky suburbanite mom with a penchant for decorating ideas and odd names.

I have a strange name and some may say that “Palmer” is a last name. In truth, it's a title. The palmer would hoist the sanctified oil on his shoulders for pilgrims in the middle ages and carry these urns to the holy lands. The point is, it has meaning. It has a past. All of the Shaquitas, Bargundys, and Ashawns out there are never going to know the joy of what they're names truly mean because they are meaningless. I love African names... truly African names, not the misprinted, misspelled, and overly abundant false names used with such flair by less than educated teen mothers who just think it sounds cool. NO! I love the culturally significant names purposeful chosen and artfully pronounced. They're beautiful and actually have a meaning in a living culture somewhere in the world. I love the simplicity and understated Asian names and more over, the naming practice of what we would consider “last name first and first name last”. Anglo names, while having a distinct lack of panache, do have meanings and correct spellings, but the names like Jane, Barbara, and Timothy are comparatively rare and I think they need to make a come back.

When you are about to have your child and you consider a baby name book, don't buy it. Simply read some ancient history from your ancestors' part of the world and name your child something significant, powerful, and meaningful. If you hear a name you like, do some hard research into what that name really means and if its modern usage is actually correct. Don't name your kid after a place, drug, or beauty product... you're just asking for your daughters to be strippers. Some common names that are uncommon in today's world would be:

Molly – Irish origin, Latin derivative, meaning “Star of the Sea”
Emily – Latin / Roman origin, has 60 some odd different acceptable spellings most starting with A, means “imitating, rivaling”
Rebecca – Hebrew derivative, meaning “to tie or bind”. Nick name “Becky” or “Becca”
Jennifer – Old Welsh origin, meaning “Smooth”, “Blessed”, or “Fair”. Nick name “Jen” or “Jenny”
Rose – Germanic origin, meaning “Horse” or the more flattering “Fame”.
Margo – Old Greek origin, meaning “Pearl”. English derivative would be Margaret.
Christina – Latin derivative, meaning Christian woman.
Jacob – Hebrew origin, meaning “God will watch” or “ Yahweh will protect”. Nick name “Jake”
Keith – Celtic origin, meaning “a windy place” or “Forest”.
Palmer – Old English origin, meaning “Crusader” or “ Bearer of Palm Oil”
Stephen – Old Greek derivative, meaning “Crowned” or “Royal”. Properly pronounced /Steh-Fin/
David – Hebrew derivative, meaning “Favorite or friend”. Unrecommended nick name “Dave”
Gregory – Old Greek origin, meaning “Vigilant”. Nick name Greg.
Orin – Celtic origin, meaning “Green” or “Sallow”. Thought I would throw an weird one in.

There are so many options that are NOT Dakota or Shartruce. Do your home work and give your kid a meaningful and correctly spelled and pronounced name.

Come on, ride the train...

I am, what one would call, a tangential thinker. I often find my self arriving at “bunnies” while the start of the conversation had something to do with infectious diseases and not knowing how I veered so far off course. I realized, I search the Internet in much the same way.
I'm a big fan of Wikipedia. Contrary to popular belief, it's become a much more reliable source of information with checks, re-checks, and citations required for many topics. I usually look up something specific and spot a word link that looks interesting. I follow it. I'll read something about that subject and see another word that maybe I don't recognize and follow that link. Before I know it, The empire state building leads me to pygmy albino swamp marmosets. A few short clicks later I'm tangled in the endless web of the Wiki.

I decided to name my newly discovered pass time. I call it, “Riding the wiki train”. I would encourage all who find reading about new subjects interesting to hop on board your very own wiki train and follow it where it may lead. How long can you make the ride last? My longest run on a wiki train, before I named it, was about three hours. I learned quite a bit that night, though I fear I've lost most of it to the day to day workings of life in general.

This weekend I'll be on a plane home and unable to board the train myself, but I highly recommend that each and every one of you take a seat and pick a topic just to see where the clicks might lead.

Sick of the Soft

You may remember I built a PC not to long ago and it's still kickin'. I installed Windows XP 64 bit with every intention of replacing it with Ubuntu 9.04 "Jaunty Jackalope" when I had the opertunity... it is still running windows. While I may be excited at the prospect of a new Windows OS like Win 7 releasing in October, I want my Linux and I want it on my primary system. More over, I want to play games and use Photoshop IN Linux.

I was told recently that this is doable and I plan to test that theory by formatting my system tonight and installing Ubuntu. It may be after my upcoming trip to Sacramento, but I will find out soon if I'll be able to WoW (yes I reactivated the account for a month or two) and Photoshop CS4 my way to glory.

By the by, I'm currently running Linux Mint on my smaller, older system. It's almost as pretty as Ubuntu and like Ubuntu, it's using the Gnome gui which, as we all know, is much better than KDE. Do we all know that? I don't weven think we all agree on that, but it's my opinion. At any rate, it's a nice system and I'll be installing Fedora on yet another old system when it arrives at the PC grave yard, aka my home office. One day I'll get around to posting screen shots of all these desktops so you can see what it is I'm rambling on and on and on about.

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