Sick of the Soft
Tuesday, September 8, 2009 by Palmer Attaway

I was told recently that this is doable and I plan to test that theory by formatting my system tonight and installing Ubuntu. It may be after my upcoming trip to Sacramento, but I will find out soon if I'll be able to WoW (yes I reactivated the account for a month or two) and Photoshop CS4 my way to glory.
By the by, I'm currently running Linux Mint on my smaller, older system. It's almost as pretty
as Ubuntu and like Ubuntu, it's using the Gnome gui which, as we all know, is much better than KDE. Do we all know that? I don't weven think we all agree on that, but it's my opinion. At any rate, it's a nice system and I'll be installing Fedora on yet
another old system when it arrives at the PC grave yard, aka my home office. One day I'll get around to posting screen shots of all these desktops so you can see what it is I'm rambling on and on and on about.