Surviving Ike - Just like Tina did
Monday, September 15, 2008 by Palmer Attaway
All I got was wind and some drizzle, but family in Houston is still without power and many in
Galveston didn't fair well at all. Hurricane Ike (left) was a monster, at one point covering the whole of the Gulf of Mexico and the comparisons to Katrina started flying before Ike hit Cuba. Millions without power, prices on generators, gasoline, and water getting jacked sky high and to top it all off, most everything is closed so provisions are scarce. The government set up temporary shelters and are providing food and water for those in need. Many are greatful for the much needed assistance.

As with Katrina, only days after the storm hit, the complaints have started. The government didn't react, they were unprepared, they aren't doing enough. I can't imagine the pain and turmoil a Hurricane survivor goes through. I can't relate to those who live in a coastal area prone to hurricanes. I especially can not relate to those who live in coastal areas prone to hurricanes who are completely unprepared. Furthermore, I can't relate to those who, after surviving a hurricane, can't be grateful that they're simply alive but have to complain about the, by all current
reports, adequate level of support and facilities. Sure, it's uncomfortable, sure it's hot, sure it's a horrible situation, but if you have a roof over your head, food in your belly, and a "pot to piss in" then you're still better off than the majority of the third world (right) by a long stretch. I feel so bad for those who lost homes, family members, lives, all that they know to a storm. I really do. For those of you who are survivors who appreciate the assistance and soldier on and rebuild your lives, God bless and good luck. To those who just want another excuse to whine about the government, I say to you that things will get worse until you appreciate what you have. Look to your neighbor on the cot beside you, listen to they're gratitude and follow their example.

Finally, a note to those who didn't have to go through what these people went through. What the hell?! I hear people saying things like, "All these people are criminals..." or "Oh no, now we'll
have a bunch of refugees..." Well get the hell over it and show some hospitality. Is this no longer the UNITED States? More than that, is this not the SOUTH? It's a burden to help people, sure. It is through the support of our fellow man that we learn and grow. If you're not lending a hand, think about this... What if it were your kid who was starving, what if it was your mother who couldn't breath because the power was out, or what if it was your home gutted and gone? I've also heard tell of a cashier at Brookshires at Kings highway and Highland making comments like, "...I'll just move to Houston... for the free food and free diapers..." She's an idiot and she's not the only one... there are lots of them around here. Sometimes, I'd just like to slap some people, you know?

I'll try and say this without getting preachy: Realize that you, as a human being, exist to serve the will of something greater than yourself. If in peril, your adversity teaches others. If helping those in peril, you are learning from them. We are here to learn and grow.... so grow already.