"...all the time, danger girl." Or, "muchos burros aquí"
Thursday, November 20, 2008 by Palmer Attaway
So I met my long lost cousin... well, she wasn't so much lost as much as I'd never met her before. And come to think of it not just a cousin but a second or thi
rd cousin. And Not just her, but her fantastic family. I am currently in Las Vegas, or "lost wages" as some out here refer to it, and Jennifer Decker, the afore mentioned cousin you may know from her family blog, Deckerific, lives out here. She's one of the most righteous chicks I have ever met and her family kicks much ass. Her Husband is a skater from way back, her son is following in Dad's foot steps and he and his buds are making skate films and he's an artist to boot, her daughter is like miniature adult who works with polymer clay... yet another artist and Jennifer herself is an artist whether she'll admit it or not. She says she's crafty.

I met

Thanks Jennifer for the great day. You rock.